Thursday, July 2, 2009


Oishinbo is a long-running cooking manga written by Tetsu Kariya and drawn by Akira Hanasaki. The word 'Oishinbo' comes from Oishii (delicious) and Kuishinbo (a word for someone who loves to eat). The series depicts the adventures of a foodie journalist Shiro Yamaoka and his partner Yuko Kurita. The story begins when the journalist Shiro Yamaka assigned by his editor to visit some Japanese chefs in order to find the 'ultimate menu'. It's revealed that actually Shiro Yamaoka is the son of Kaibara Yuzan, the director of The Gourmet Club, who has been his long standing rival. The series was selling 1.2 million copies per volume with the total of more than 100 million volumes as of January 2009. The series was adapted as a 136 episodes anime TV series.( source: Wikipedia)

(picture from: Amazon)

You can find this manga on Kinokuniya's shelf or online shop like Amazon for about $12 per volume.

Here is the anime trailer:


草(sou) said...

Oisinbo..only reading my stomach becomes empty..
btw The photo album on the trip to Hokkaido was added to the gadget:)

Rashai said...

Hi Sou,
Thanks, I'll visit your blog soon.